Image Credits: Transportationevolved
Riding a hoverboard is much like riding a skateboard. One naturally doesn’t know how to ride a hoverboard. In the first impression, the hoverboard looks scary due to its self-balancing build. However, a few days of practice can make you a skilled rider. The more you practice, the more quickly you can dispel your fear of riding. This article will steer you through safety essentials and basic riding techniques.
Safety Is of Apex Importance

Image Credits : Hoverboardsrock
Before you start learning to ride a hoverboard, equip yourself with all safety essentials, especially if you are a beginner. For a full-fledged safety, you will need the following protection gear:
Step By Step Guide on How to Ride a Hoverboard

Image Credits : Hoverboard city
Step 1. Today most hoverboards come with learning modes. This feature will facilitate your learning skills. First of all, go through the user manual to get the hang of your transportation device. Then, hold your horses and check your excitement and nervousness before you get on it.
Step 2. Lay down the hoverboard on a flat surface. Check the power button and turn on the board. Button locations can vary for different hoverboards. Rather than jumping on the board, set your feet comfortably. Don’t try to hop on it when it is switched off. In power-off mode, the board may not offer you the required balance for your weight. It can make you fall and cause injury. Instead, step on it as if you are getting your foot on the stairs. We don’t recommend that as rider’s safety is out top most priority in this how to ride a hoverboard guide.
Step 3. Before you set out on your first ride, make sure the battery has a full charge. The partial charge can curtail your ride that can finally ruin your experience.
Step 4. Gradually try to get used to the hoverboard as it comes designed to offer you the proper balance. Keep yourself in an upright position. Slouch down forward to move forward and slouch backward to steer back.
Step 5. To turn right, put your left toe forward, and it will cancel out your weight shifted in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, put your right foot in a horizontal position.
Step 6. To turn left, put your right toe forward, and it will cancel out your weight shifted in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, put your right foot in a horizontal position.
Step 7. Turning in a circle is easy. To spin left/clockwise, point your right toes down and push down your left ankle. To go right, push your left toes.
Step 8. The more forward your push is, the sharper your turns and movements. Exercise caution while performing it.
Step 9. Once you have gained mastery over smooth riding and off-road riding, you can start learning slope riding. Most of the brands allow an inclination of 15-20 degrees. However, slope riding is not everyone’s cup of tea.
Speed Up, Speed Down, and Stopping The Hoverboard

Image Credits : Swagtron
Next Step to becoming a pro rider through how to ride a hoverboard guide is learning to control speed. If you keep slouching forward, the speed will keep increasing until the mode limits the speed. If there is no mode, the board will keep forging ahead until it touches its top speed. The beep signal will give you the intimation when you achieve the max speed.
Finally, to step off, slow down the pace gradually. Make your back upright and lean back a little. Don’t overstress on leaning backward, as it will steer you backward rather than stop you.
Avoid Doing These Things While Riding

Image Credits : Swagtron
You have gained an insight into how to ride a hoverboard. However, it is essential to follow some don’ts while riding.
Bending your knees
If you are afraid, you will tend to bend your knees. It can spoil your weight positioning for the board. Standing erect will put a uniform distribution of your weight on the board.
Looking downward
Looking at your feet can land you in problems. Therefore, it is highly advisable to look forward.
Riding on challenging terrains without improvisation
As a beginner, you should stick to smooth riding even if you own an off-road hoverboard. Gain mastery on the smooth ride before hitting off-road. That is the only thing you need to bear in mind while learning how to ride a hoverboard.
Avoid stunts
The main point in this guide on how to ride a hoverboard focuses on safety of the riders. Try avoiding it if you want to copy some high-flying stunts from YouTube. However, if you are bent on doing it, perform it with responsibility and safety.
Our Thoughts
This was our how to ride a hoverboard guide, to master the learning process, you need to practice hard and regularly. Discover an open space. Your empty garage can also be a potential option. Make sure that it is not a deserted place.
There must be someone for supervision if you fall, unfortunately. Make sure there are no breakables near you. Finally, enjoy your ride and good luck.
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