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5 Things You Didn't Know You Could Wash in a Washing Machine

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Some of the items that may be cleaned in your home with the best washing machines may surprise you. To help you get the most of your washer and easily give your home a deeper clean, here's a list of five objects that you probably never thought could be washed in a washing machine. However, remember to clean your washing machine after you're done. Pillows - The fact that the best pillows may be washed in the washing machine is becoming more widely known, but it is still important to note. Here, the term "pillows" refers to those made of polyester, cotton, feather, or down; memory foam pillows should never be washed because doing so could harm the foam core. [caption id="attachment_60156" align="aligncenter" width="1600"]Pillow in washing machine Image credit: homemaking[/caption] Pet Beds - While we all adore our dogs dearly, they do have some annoyances that we call "pet peeves." One such annoyance is the smelly pet bed that you will inevitably have to tolerate. Whether your pet has an accident on the bed one day or it simply gets used every day, it will eventually start to smell and need to be cleaned. Rugs - Some rugs can be washed in a machine. To clarify the ideal settings, which will change depending on the material, consult the care instructions, and don't forget to vacuum or shake out the rug before washing. [caption id="attachment_60160" align="aligncenter" width="1600"]Rugs in washing machine Image credit: tumbleliving[/caption] Just be careful not to throw anything with a rubber back into your washer. Here, the rough drum motion may end up causing some damage. Gym Bags - Even the greatest gym bags can develop a musty odor since sweat and moisture are easily transferred from your clothes and wet towels to the bag. And if you stop to think about it, with each use, this will merely spread back over your brand-new gym equipment. Read Also: How Much Power Do Home Appliances Use & How Much Is Costs? Because of this, you should periodically wash your gym bag. Fortunately, some of these may be thrown into the washing machine right away. To determine whether that is the case or whether hand washing is required, first check the interior care label. Shower Curtain - If you have a typical shower curtain in your bathroom, you might notice that with time, black and orange stains start to appear on it. However, you should be aware that these can also be washed in the washing machine before you run out and get a new shower curtain.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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