According to Pew Research, the majority of US Twitter users took a break once Elon Musk gained control
May 18, 2023 By Monica Green
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(Image credit- Forth Worth)
In the United States, the majority of Twitter users have abandoned the service since Elon Musk's acquisition, according to a recent Pew Research Center poll.
Not as active After the Musk era
The majority of Twitter's most active users have decided to stick around since Elon Musk took over, but there's a catch: they've started to post less frequently.
According to a study by the Pew Research Center, six out of ten US individuals who used Twitter in the last year had recently stopped using it.
A quarter of them have also stated that they don't plan to use Twitter in the following year.
Following Musk's takeover, there was a discernible drop in posting activity among the most active users (top 20% by tweet volume). Their monthly tweet volume dropped by almost 25% on average.
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Nevertheless, despite the fall, eight out of ten of the adult users who were most active on Twitter between January 1 and April 14, 2022, are still among the most active users as of October 2022, when Musk assumed control of the service formally.
The top 10% of Twitter users exhibit the same pattern; since the purchase agreement, about 75% of them have remained in the top 20% of tweeters.
Adult Twitter users addressed Musk in a tweet only once on average between January 1 and April 13, 2022, prior to Musk's declaration that he had acquired the platform.
With an average of three mentions between April 14 and October 26, 2022, throughout the acquisition process, and an average of six mentions in the months after the sale,
Musk's mentions increased significantly after the acquisition.
Additionally, a detailed analysis of adult Twitter users reveals that since early 2022, 40% of them had tweeted about Elon Musk. This pattern is especially noticeable among platform users who identify as Republicans or independents who lean Republican.
Elon Musk wants to keep tweeting without filter, even if it costs him, as he says in a quote from "The Princess Bride."
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Political Divergences
Despite Musk's takeover, a select few individuals still account for the majority of tweets. The majority of content is created by a small percentage of adult Twitter users in the US.
Following the acquisition, 98% of all tweets within this group were created by the 20% of US adults who use the site. The majority of these very active tweeters (61%) are Democrats and Democratic leaners, continuing the previous pattern.
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Additionally, there has been a clear distinction in tweet kinds according to political affiliation. Democratic Twitter users are more likely to retweet, while Republican users are more likely to reply.
About three-quarters of tweets among all US adults using the site are retweets (35%) or replies to other users (40%).
Quote tweets make up 9% of the total, while original tweets make up 15%. The types of tweets that are posted show notable partisan disparities, with Democrats favoring retweets (50%) and Republicans favoring responses (61%).
Elon Musk appointed former NBCU executive Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter at the same time as the results. Yaccarino is scheduled to start in her position in the coming weeks, and it is believed that she will use her experience in the advertising sector to win back clients.