Home » News » Alienware's Peak 480 Hz Panels are beaten by BOE's record-breaking 600 Hz gaming screen

Alienware's Peak 480 Hz Panels are beaten by BOE's record-breaking 600 Hz gaming screen

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A few years ago, 120Hz refresh rates for gaming laptop screens were the norm, and two years later, 240Hz refresh rates for laptop displays. Gaming laptops are getting close to the 500 and 600Hz milestones on the market. The underlying question is whether having laptops with such blistering refresh rates actually serves any use. More information about BOE's 600 Hz refresh rate technology may be found in an article by Giz China. The value of 600 Hz refresh rates may not be universally agreed upon. This is due to the likelihood that the video frames per second (FPS) of current games won't exceed the 500-600Hz threshold. Dell's Alienware laptops already have 480 Hz refresh rates, but ASUS has announced a forthcoming 500 Hz refresh rate screen. Only intensely competitive gamers and other cutting-edge users are likely to need laptops with such fast screens. The majority of gamers should have more than enough performance on panels with the 240Hz refresh rates that are now available. BOE Dell already provides 480 Hz refresh rates for some Alienware laptops, according to a PC Mag story. Asus has so far hinted at the forthcoming 500 Hz display as well. No further information regarding the BOE's display's use of a TSA, TA, or VA LCD panel has been released. According to reports, BOE has not provided any other details on the display, and it is currently unknown whether it is an ISA, TA, or VA LCD panel. As a result, customers will need to wait until the business makes a formal announcement. The bottom line is that while colorful laptop screens can attract attention by promising faster refresh rates, they may not always be useful.  These newer, quicker displays might be appreciated by those who play video games a lot, but for the majority of laptop purchasers, the cost and power users might not be worth the investment. The world's first laptop from BOE has a 600 Hz refresh rate and a 1/60th-second lag time.

By Jozeph P

Journalism explorer, tech Enthusiast. Love to read and write.


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