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Amazon introduces new features to help customers make informed purchase decisions

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source: Logistics Middle East Amazon is rolling out a new feature that will display a warning label on product reviews that suggest the item might not meet a customer's expectations. The new "Returns Warning" label will be displayed on reviews for products that have a higher than average return rate, based on Amazon's data. The warning will be shown prominently at the top of the review, with a message that states "This product has a high return rate" and a link to Amazon's return policy. The new feature aims to reduce the number of returns by alerting customers to potential issues with a product before they make a purchase. Amazon hopes that the warning will encourage customers to read reviews more carefully and consider whether the product will meet their needs before buying it. [caption id="attachment_131665" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]amazon source: Code&Care[/caption] Amazon will also be introducing a new "Tag" feature that allows customers to tag reviews that they find helpful. The tags will be displayed alongside the review and will help other customers quickly identify reviews that are particularly informative or useful. The tags will be selected from a list of pre-set categories, such as "helpful", "informative", and "well-written". The new feature will be available to all Amazon customers, and it is expected to be particularly useful for people who are shopping for products that they are not familiar with. The feature will also be helpful for customers who are shopping for products that have a high return rate, as they will be able to identify potential issues with the product before making a purchase.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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