Home » News » Apple iPhone 14 Emergency SOS: Satellite Technology Aids Utah Students Trapped in Canyon Expedition

Apple iPhone 14 Emergency SOS: Satellite Technology Aids Utah Students Trapped in Canyon Expedition

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iPhone 14’s Emergency SOS via Satellite Feature Leads Rescuers to Students Trapped in Utah Canyon (Image credit- Mactrast)

Even though you can never predict when a predicament will arise because it may happen when you least expect it, it is wonderful to know that you have the technology to help you out of a sticky position. The use of their iPhone 14 Pro smartphone for Emergency SOS via satellite to call authorities and inform them of their whereabouts is what saved two Utah college students from potential hypothermia and being stuck in a 500-foot deep canyon. Apple's technology, which it initially unveiled in October of last year, enabled them to be found and sent texts even when cellular connections were not available to them at the time. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Apple iPhone 14 Emergency SOS: Satellite Tech Helps Utah Students Trapped  in Canyon Expedition | Tech Times Image credit- Tech Times[/caption] Due to the harsh conditions, they encountered while on their activities, Utah college students were imprisoned and almost perished thanks to the Emergency SOS via the Satellite feature of the iPhone 14. On their Facebook page, the Emery County Sheriff's Office documented the rescue operation in "The Squeeze," a well-known challenging abseil place in the canyons and mountains nearby. They claimed that on Saturday, April 15, 2023, at about 5:30 p.m., the ECSO texted them. Fortunately, despite not having a cellular connection, one of the pupils thought to use the iPhone 14's Emergency SOS option. Every 20 minutes, when the satellite would line up with their location, they could send a text message. According to the report, the group did not anticipate the shift in the area's conditions, where the extra rainy winter environment in Utah has damaged their excursion in the mountains. It was a canyon expedition gone awry for the pupils. Also read: 17-YO girl died suddenly at a teen treatment facility in Utah Another group member claimed that two people who became trapped in The Squeeze's water went into hypothermic shock. Without the satellite technology of the iPhone 14, there was no way to call for assistance because cellular connections were down. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]iPhone 14's Emergency SOS via Satellite Saved Students Stuck in Utah Canyon Image credit- Wccftech[/caption] The technologies the iPhone 14 introduced to users may have received a lot of conflicting opinions and comments, but one thing set it apart from other recent iPhone models. With the Emergency SOS Satellite function, it demonstrated that it possessed the technology all along once the phone was released at its Autumn event in 2022. As soon as Apple released it in November of last year, it formally started testing in the US and Canada, where these initial regions were able to take advantage of the capabilities of their smartphone's emergency services. This cleared the way for several success stories in assisting stranded travelers or tourists who lost cellular network connections but were able to let first responders know where they were. The current predicament of these Utah college students serves as a further reminder that satellite technology can be useful for smartphones, with Apple's iPhone 14 heralding the start of future improvements to connectivity, particularly in life-or-death circumstances.  

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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