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Apple Will Now Allow RivalsTo Compare Their Apps

(Image Credit Google)
Image : apple If there is one thing to be said about Apple, it’s that they are tenacious. Apple’s competitive streak knows no bounds and they have once again displayed that by releasing a new tool that allows them to compare their own app’s metrics with their competitors’. Apple added a new dashboard for peer group benchmarks to App Analytics in the App Store Connect, which is a platform for developers to help manage their apps across all of Apple’s platforms. The App Store Connect acts as a portal for a variety of services that developers can use to manage their apps.  Although it comes as part of having a developer account with Apple, it is not as sturdy as powerfully-built peer benchmarking tools.

Peer group benchmarks for Apple apps

“Peer group benchmarks provide powerful new insights across the customer journey, so you can better understand what works well for your app and find opportunities for improvement," reads an update posted to the Apple Developer website. To surface the most relevant competition, Apple considers categories, business models, and download volume. It also promises a certain degree of privacy using “industry-leading differential privacy techniques” so that the competitor apps’ performance is not revealed. The metrics in the dashboard include conversion rate, proceeds per paying user, crash rate, and retention, displayed in weekly intervals. In addition, Apple also automatically classifies an app into a peer group. Firstly, the app is sorted with other apps listed in the same App Store category. The app is further sorted with other apps with a similar business model. Apple offers defined business models for this purpose- free, freemium, paid, paymium, and subscriptions.  Apart from that, there are a plethora of other uses for the developer platform that includes testing different elements of a product page, gathering feedback on beta versions, and offering in-app events. Apple further claims that “data surfaced to other developers for comparison is anonymized; only aggregated data will be seen, so developers won’t be able to see exactly how a specific competitor is performing.”

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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