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Covid has left a third of young population clueless about job prospects – study

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According to data provided to the Guardian ahead of a national campaign highlighting Covid's influence on the younger generation, more than a third of young people believe their lives are spiraling out of control. Additionally, the Prince's Trust Class of Covid research indicated that more than 60% of 16 to 25-year-olds expressed concern for the future of their generation after experiencing a pandemic followed by a cost-of-living crisis. One-third of people believe that the pandemic will never improve their career prospects. “Their education, employment, and key formative years have already suffered, leaving many feeling uncertain and scared about a future which appears to be spiraling out of their control,” he said. “Despite high vacancies, young people remain worried about their future career prospects.” The charity is starting a campaign this week to raise awareness of the pandemic's longer-term effects on the younger generation. The research, which included a poll of more than 2,000 young people throughout the UK, is a component of that campaign. Over half of those polled claimed that going through the epidemic had strengthened their resolve to accomplish their goals, and nearly half said that the experience had made them more resilient.

“Young people have shown a unique resilience to overcome the challenges they have faced and are more determined than ever to achieve their goals,” said Townsend. “But they need our support to ensure their talents and aspirations do not go to waste.”Covid

Young people have demonstrated a special capacity for overcoming obstacles and are more determined than ever to accomplish their goals, according to Townsend. But they require our assistance to make sure their abilities and goals are not wasted. Findings from the Savanta State of the Youth Nation report show that there is evidence of widespread "retarded development" among young people as a result of missing developmental milestones throughout the pandemic. According to the study, Covid prevented roughly a quarter of 16 to 19-year-olds from sharing their first kiss. 17% of people in the 20 to 25 age group were affected. When compared to the experiences of those of the same age before the pandemic, a considerable percentage also missed out on beginning their first romantic connection, with one in five of those aged 16 to 19 and 15% of those aged 20 to 25 not having a relationship.

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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