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Create your own Metahuman with Language-Agnostic Digital Clone from Ploonet

(Image Credit Google)
According to reports, a metahuman technology was unveiled at CES 2023 by the Korean business Ploonet. The procedure is simple and quick. A person merely needs to enter a green screen booth and arrange oneself using two defined locations on the floor as guide. After 40 seconds of recording, the subject will be instructed to gesture as though speaking the script they had previously provided. It's crucial to capture the video with the mount slightly open but the lips still in place. The only permitted head movement is a very modest one. Through the AI-powered platform and the creation of your avatar, you can duplicate yourself. Any language can be spoken by the avatar using a specific script. Even more intriguing is the technology's lack of regard for language. It is also comparable to deep-fake technology. The manufacturer claimed that it could be utilised in business situations, where a CEO may address his staff. It can also be applied to product instructions and explanation videos. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Ploonet Develops a Language-Agnostic Digital Clone That Will Let You Create Your Metahuman | Tech Times Image credit- Tech Times[/caption] In addition to creating a virtual avatar, technology may also make it interactive. A virtual clone avatar can be used for a variety of things, mainly marketing. It might be used, for instance, for a commercial demonstration or a private interview. This technology can be used for local or remote conferencing in the corporate sector. Using this technology, sales reps who don't want to travel a lot can showcase their goods or services. E-learning can also make advantage of it. Also read: Lensa AI app creates a stir with sexy "Magic Avatar" images  When Will Metahumans Arrive? The corporate sector will undoubtedly applaud and embrace the creation of this meta-human technology. This metahuman technology has a wide range of uses, making it a fascinating field to study. It's only a matter of time before a real-life metahuman materialises given how quickly technology has advanced in recent years and the appearance of metahuman technologies. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1920"]Creating a MetaHuman with MetaHuman Creator | MetaHuman Creator Documentation Image credit- MetaHuman Creator[/caption] Cloning humans Although human cloning is still decades away, Scienceline reports that technology is advancing quickly. If a breakthrough is made, it might be feasible in the future. This technology has advanced impressively, and it enables users to experience conscious feelings. With the development of this technology, it will be possible to clone humans and enhance them in order to create a better system. Human cloning's morality is still up for dispute. However, there are already people who are cloning themselves. This technology has advanced impressively. To make life much easier, it can be utilised to help humans clone themselves or construct virtual clones. Finding appropriate applications for this technology will further increase its potential usage. All in all, we should be excited about the development of metahuman technology. Human cloning will be possible with this technology, enabling users to create a superior system.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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