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Embarrassment of Android Brands Tweeting from iPhones is no longer a thing

(Image Credit Google)
Big businesses spend a lot of money on public relations and advertising, so it seems sense that they would handle those endeavors with a similar level of attention, making sure that the message is crystal clear, pertinent, and free of any embarrassing blunders. But numerous times, we've witnessed businesses and well-known figures in the Android community make statements on Twitter only to have their actions exposed by the tweet's "Twitter for iPhone" source designation. With Elon Musk, Twitter's new owner, declaring his intention to do away with the labels, that era of embarrassing gaffes may soon be coming to an end. Currently, Twitter employs source labels to specify if a tweet was sent from an Android, iPhone, or web browser. We always found ourselves paying attention to it most when someone posted something from a device that seemed at odds with their publicly stated brand affiliation, even though some readers may find that kind of information simply generally interesting or it might be worthwhile taking into account when some new feature is available on one platform ahead of the others. [caption id="attachment_62369" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]Twitter For iPhone Image credit: reddit[/caption] Do you recall when Gal Gadot served as a brand ambassador for the Huawei Mate 10 Pro a few years ago? She was discovered using an iPhone to tweet about the company, which caused a minor uproar. Even Google has failed to escape this kind of humiliation; just a few weeks ago, the Pixel account was seen trying to heckle Apple's Tim Cook from an iPhone. Musk abruptly announced that he plans to stop showing these source labels, ending a longer tweet rant earlier today about alleged problems with his recently acquired service. By doing so, he eliminates the occasionally amusing opportunity to see some of our favourite brands get it wrong.

By Aaem Joshi

I am a Journalist who loves digging up stories that remain unheard. Strongly Believe in the knowledge of the social world.


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