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How AI Can Shape the Future of Art?

(Image Credit Google)
OpenAI announced last week that its art-making AI system DALL-E is now available in beta. “Starting today,” the company wrote in a post, “users get full usage rights to commercialize the images they create with DALL-E, including the right to reprint, sell, and merchandise.” However, it doesn’t imply that OpenAI is renouncing its claim to set the pricing on images created by users using DALL-E. Dig into the terms of service, and you’ll find only the promise that “OpenAI will not assert copyright over Content generated by the API for you or your end users.” By allowing users commercial usage rights, OpenAI is trying to avoid some copyright-related questions raised by this technology—which makes original images in different styles, including photorealism and Picasso. As some DALL-E’s images are completely machine-made and contain users’ concepts or ideas using text prompts, the results may not seem copyrightable from any angle. That can place them in the public domain, where everyone and no one “owns” them. Apart from the copyright questions, OpenAI has dropped hints to users that they are free to commercialize their DALL-E images without caring about getting a cease-and-desist letter from a company. The terms of service also put users on notice that OpenAI “may change these Terms or suspend or terminate your use of the Services at any time.” If technologies like DALL-E get global recognition and are widely adopted, the artistic industry could have far-reaching effects. Artists who rely on DALL-E will be left with nothing if OpenAI decides to reclaim its rights. A small number of artists are incorporating AI into their practice today. And so it’s quite easy to predict that future generations will showcase creativity by giving a simple command to a machine and getting much better results.

The Evolution of AI in the Artistic Industry

The Art world hasn’t always been the place for artists. It used to be that artists would just paint and create their own artwork from scratch, but now the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) can change the artistic industry forever.  As it is a machine, it can think for itself and make decisions on its own. It helps its human creators in many ways: It helps them improve their work. AI can help them by taking over a task — no longer do they need to paint all the time — they can just sit down and pick up where they left off (and another artist could take over when you are finished). The idea of AI creates art as it lets us utilize our imagination by using words to describe what we want.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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