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How to Use Your iPhone's Personalized Sound Recognition Accessibility Feature?

(Image Credit Google)
The iPhone has a capability called personalized sound recognition that enables it to listen for particular noises and notify you when it detects them. For those who need to be alerted to specific sounds while donning headphones or stepping away from their phone, or who have hearing difficulties, this can be extremely helpful.

Simple Steps to Take

Follow these procedures, which were initially revealed by AppleInsider, to configure customised sound recognition on your iPhone running iOS 16: [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="594"]Personalized Sound Recognition: How to Use This Accessibility Feature on Your iPhone | Tech Times Imge credit- Tech Times[/caption]
  • On your phone, open the Settings app and select Accessibility.
  • Click "Sound Recognition" after scrolling down.
  • To activate the feature, select Sound Recognition from the menu. The programme required to manage the listening features will be downloaded to your phone.
  • Tap the Sounds option under the Sound Recognition menu. This will bring up a list of common sounds, such doorbells, smoke alarms, or appliances, from which you can choose and allow listening.
  • By selecting the Custom Alarm, Custom Appliance, or Custom Doorbell options, you can design your own sound if the one you need to recognise is not already included in the list.
  • After giving your custom sound a name, isolate it and let your iPhone record it five times to "train" it.
  • In order to save your notification sound and alert, follow the on-screen instructions.
  • By pulling the Control Center down from the top right corner of your screen and touching the Sound Recognition button, you can also rapidly access the sound recognition capability from there.
  • You can toggle sound recognition on or off by tapping any sound in this area.
Also Read: How to Enable Background Sounds on Mac to Reduce Distractions & Stay Focused?

Clearly Advantageous

According to Mashable, iPhone owners may now create and record their own alarm sounds in place of the pre-set selections for household, human, and environmental sounds thanks to the new accessibility feature. This alerts people who are hard of hearing to nearby events. Personalized sound recognition is an advantageous feature that can keep you informed of important sounds even when you are not actively using your phone. It is simple to set up and tailor to your needs, whether you use it as an accessibility feature or simply to be alert to crucial sounds. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1876"]How to use iPhone Sound Recognition in iOS 14 - 9to5Mac Image credit - 9to5Mac[/caption]

Similar Features of Accessibility

Apple has updated a number of its gadgets, including the iPhone and Apple Watch, to make them more accessible. These modifications are intended to make it simpler for those with disabilities to use their devices and access various functionalities. One of the enhancements, Door Detection, aids users who are blind or have impaired vision in navigating the final few feet to their destination using their iPhone. This function alerts the user when they are a few feet away from a door using a combination of Bluetooth and machine learning. Apple Watch Mirroring is a different upgrade that enables people with physical and motor impairments to fully control their Apple Watch from their iPhone utilising helpful features like Voice Control and Switch Control. This makes it simpler for these users to use the Apple Watch's features and capabilities without having to touch it directly. These accessibility improvements show Apple's dedication to enhancing the usability and accessibility of its products for individuals with impairments. Apple is making it simpler for these consumers to stay connected and take part in numerous activities and conversations by offering these options.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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