'I'm never sexually satisfied with lads in bed – I just love myself too much': Playboy model
December 20, 2022 By Awanish Kumar
(Image Credit Google)
A Playboy model opened up about her self-love because she can't find sexual fulfillment in anybody else.
29-year-old Luana Sandien claims to be a tremendous fan of herself.
She loves herself so much that she actually prefers "self-love" than having sex with another person.
Sometimes the brunette meets a boy she likes, but the attraction wears off over time.
She swore she would never be in a relationship because she can't have her sexual needs met by anyone else.
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Image: Daily Star[/caption]
And the bombshell maintains that sometimes she thinks exclusively about her.
Luana told Fabulous: "I have mirrors all over my house. It's full of nude paintings of myself.
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By Awanish Kumar
I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.