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Instagram Is Bringing Ads to Search Results and Launching Reminder Ads

(Image Credit Google)
source: Send Pulse In recent news, Instagram announced that it will be bringing ads to its search results and launching reminder ads to help users keep track of important dates and events. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these new features and what they mean for Instagram users.

Ads in Search Results

Starting in the coming weeks, users will begin to see ads in their Instagram search results. According to Instagram, the ads will be targeted to users' interests and will be clearly labeled as sponsored content. This move follows a similar trend by other social media platforms like Google and Facebook, who have both incorporated ads in their search results.

Reminder Ads

In addition to ads in search results, Instagram is also launching a new feature called Reminder Ads. This feature will allow users to set reminders for important dates and events like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. When the date approaches, users will receive an ad prompting them to take action, such as purchasing a gift or making plans. [caption id="attachment_124339" align="aligncenter" width="1482"] source: The Verge[/caption]

What This Means for Instagram Users

For Instagram users, these new features may be a mixed bag. While ads in search results may provide more targeted content, some users may find them intrusive. Additionally, Reminder Ads may be useful for those who struggle to remember important dates, but they may also feel like a form of advertising manipulation. Instagram's new features of ads in search results and Reminder Ads aim to improve the user experience by providing more relevant content and helping users remember important dates. However, some users may find these features intrusive or manipulative. As with any social media platform, it's up to the individual user to decide if they want to opt in or out of these features.  

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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