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Microsoft Teams to Enhance Call Quality with New Feature

(Image Credit Google)
source: Windows Report Microsoft Teams has become an essential tool for remote work and communication during the pandemic. To improve the user experience, Microsoft is introducing a new feature that will enhance call quality and provide users with a clearer, more reliable audio experience.

What is the New Feature?

The new feature is called "Dynamic Noise Suppression," which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to filter out background noise during calls. The feature is designed to remove unwanted sounds such as keyboard clicks, traffic noise, or other sounds that can be distracting and disrupt the flow of conversation.

How Will it Enhance Call Quality?

By removing background noise, Dynamic Noise Suppression will provide a more immersive audio experience for Teams users. This will allow them to focus more on the conversation and less on the distractions around them. The feature is particularly useful for remote workers who may be working in noisy environments, such as coffee shops or shared spaces. [caption id="attachment_167270" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] source: TelecomTalk[/caption]

When Will the Feature be Available?

Microsoft has announced that the Dynamic Noise Suppression feature will be available in May 2023 for Windows and Mac desktop clients. The feature will also be available for mobile devices later in the year. The feature will be available for both personal and business Teams users. The new Dynamic Noise Suppression feature is a welcome addition to Microsoft Teams, providing users with a clearer, more reliable audio experience. By removing background noise, users can focus more on the conversation and less on the distractions around them. As Microsoft continues to refine and develop the feature, we can expect to see further improvements and enhancements that improve the overall user experience.

By Prelo Con

Following my passion by reviewing latest tech. Just love it.


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