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Moggie’s AI-powered activity-tracker offers advanced health monitoring of felines

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Image credit : Behance Around 370 million cats are thought to be kept as pets globally. However, anyone who has had the pleasure of having a cat in their home will understand how inquisitive and unique their personalities can be. While their distinctive personalities surely contribute to some of the allure for pet owners, it may be challenging to decipher their language and determine when they may be ill. Cats, for instance, are renowned for looking for comfort when they're feeling ill. Your pet may be acting more lethargic than usual if they spend an extended amount of time napping in the laundry cabinet, or they may be giving you a warning sign that something is wrong with them. With Moggie, you can finally stop assuming things about how to take care of your cat. A lightweight, AI-powered cat activity tracker has been created by the industry-leading pet technology business to assist cat owners in keeping in touch with their loved ones. Additionally, the business has now launched a Kickstarter campaign in which it hopes to enlist the aid of cat lovers around in order to further develop the product.

An activity tracker to enhance feline health

[caption id="attachment_178746" align="aligncenter" width="1280"]Moggie smart AI wearable for cats Image credit : Tech.eu[/caption] A stylish, collar-mounted device with plug-and-play functionality is available from Moggie. The gadget starts recording a range of cat habits as soon as it is charged and connected, including sleeping patterns, playtime, jumping, running, and relaxing. Owners can gain an unprecedented amount of insight into their cat's behavior thanks to these data points being fed back into the user app. This not only provides a baseline understanding of the activities that your enigmatic cat engages in for hours on end, but it also makes it simpler to see deviations from the usual when they occur. Preventative treatment and early disease identification are two ways we can stave off more serious conditions, just like with human healthcare. We can now provide our kitties with the same level of care thanks to Moggie. [caption id="attachment_178754" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Moggie smart AI wearable for cats Image credit : Hackaday[/caption] The activity tracker's advanced machine learning algorithm warns users when biometric data changes that might be a sign of illness occur. Up to 80% of ailments that can be found through changes in movement, such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, liver disease, stress, depression, and many more, can be found more rapidly by veterinarians with the aid of Moggie. This makes it possible for earlier diagnosis and treatment to lessen any potential suffering while also enhancing the pet's general health and life expectancy. Also read : Scientists develop A.I. system that can transform peoples’ thoughts into text To make it hard to forget to take preventative healthcare steps, Moggie's app also enables owners to set reminders for everything from deworming medication to inspecting the quality of their nails.

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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