North Carolina couple charged with murder after the death of their adopted 4-year-old son due to "exorcisms"
January 28, 2023 By Omal J
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According to several news sources, a North Carolina couple has been detained and charged with murder in connection with the passing of their adopted toddler boy who perished following a reportedly lengthy sequence of "exorcisms." Additionally, according to a news statement from the Surry County Sheriff's Office, Joseph Wilson, 41, and Jodi Wilson, 38, both of Mount Airy, were detained on January 13 and are currently being held at the Surry County Detention Center without bond.
Sheriff Steve C. Hiatt stated in the statement, "This is a tragic event that resulted in the death of a precious child way too soon. Please remember the other siblings involved in this situation as well as the investigators who worked tirelessly on this case in your thoughts and prayers."
Details about the case
The investigation into the murder of their adopted 4-year-old son, Skyler Wilson, on Jan. 9 led to the charges. According to authorities, Skyler Wilson died as a result of injuries sustained during maltreatment at the hands of his parents. In addition, the couple has two biological children, and they also foster two other kids, according to
Mount Airy News. According to the sheriff's office, the Department of Social Services received custody of the kids under their care.
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Moreover, after experiencing a medical emergency on January 5, Skyler was confirmed dead at Brenner's Children Hospital, according to the authorities. According to the warrants, he was killed by homicide and died from hypoxic brain injury brought on by "too much restriction" while being "swaddled."
According to the documents, Jodi texted Joseph earlier that day to say that she was having trouble swaddling Skyler. She also allegedly provided a picture of the youngster "wrapped in a sheet or a blanket face-down on the Wilsons' living room floor with duct tape attaching him to the floor."
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Furthermore, when Joseph contacted 911 to report that Skyler was suffering a seizure, a detective allegedly overheard a lady say, "It's my fault," during the call. According to the warrants, a former foster parent of Skyler and his brother admitted to detectives that she reported the children to the Department of Social Services approximately a month before Skyler died out of concern for their welfare.
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According to sources, she claimed Jodi had informed her about allegedly controlling the boys' diet, isolating them, and conducting "exorcisms." In addition, it's unclear if the kids were ever taken out of the house or what the authorities meant when they said there had been exorcisms.
More details
According to some reports, cameras that appeared to have captured earlier abuse were found in the couple's house after their arrest along with wrist and ankle cuffs. Moreover, according to the documents, the straps were allegedly used to hold Skyler during a "swaddling" technique Jodi supposedly acquired from Nancy Thomas, who identifies herself as a "professional therapeutic parent."
Lastly, the Wilsons' subsequent court appearance is scheduled for February 2. However, it is unknown if they have filed pleas or appointed a lawyer to represent them.
By Omal J
I worked for both print and electronic media as a feature journalist. Writing, traveling, and DIY sum up her life.