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Spotify reportedly removes thousands of AI-generated songs

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Image credit : Spotify Newsroom According to rumors, Spotify is removing music created by artificial intelligence, continuing the conflict between the music industry and this technology. According to a Financial Times investigation, Boomy, an AI music firm, has eliminated "tens of thousands" of songs, or 7% of all the tracks on the music streaming service. According to reports, Spotify is stepping up platform enforcement in light of the issue. This comes after complaints of fraud and platform clutter started to arrive at Spotify and other streaming services. According to FT sources, the industry powerhouse Universal Music Group (UMG) informed streaming service providers of "suspicious streaming activity" on Boomy recordings. Finally, the tracks were taken down because of alleged "artificial streaming" by listener-faking bots. In a comment, Spotify said: “Artificial streaming is a longstanding, industry-wide issue that Spotify is working to stamp out across our service.” According to Boomy representatives, the site is "categorically against" any kind of manipulation or artificial streaming. [caption id="attachment_170884" align="aligncenter" width="1440"]Spotify-Generic-Header Image credit : Spotify Newsroom[/caption] Lucian Grainge, CEO of Universal Music Group, commented to investors:
“The recent explosive development in generative AI will, if left unchecked, both increase the flood of unwanted content on platforms and create rights issues with respect to existing copyright law.”
UMG requested in a communication sent to streaming platforms, including Spotify, that they prevent AI services from using music catalogues for training. UMG has also issued requests "left and right" asking sites to take AI-generated music off. Also read : Spotify Collaborates with Partners to Address Concerns Over AI-Generated Songs While industry titans in the music sector battle for control of AI, other musicians, like Grimes, are promoting the technology. The singer agreed to follow a minimal set of guidelines and share royalties in exchange for allowing developers to utilize her voice and use her as a "guinea pig" for AI music composition.

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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