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The EU Is lagging on AI Developments

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Europe is now in danger of missing the next major phase of the digital revolution, which is artificial intelligence, a field that is currently undergoing accelerated expansion. Having missed the first stage of the digital revolution. China is second, the US is first, and that's pretty much it. Unless the EU can build its own technology, it would become dependent on the US, which would also mean dependency on a poorer quality of data protection, according to a study on major European AI models that the German government commissioned. The issue is that Europeans seek to defend themselves from artificial intelligence because they regard it as a threat. It should not come as a surprise that they are not the main developers. We remember how several sizable German corporations believed they could defeat digital technologies in the 1990s by using advanced analogue technology. Do you recall the high-definition televisions Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitterrand owned? The same AI mistake is being made by the EU. The issue is computational capacity. Microsoft is poised to contribute $10 billion to the open-source AI lab known as OpenAI. Three billion euros are available for the German government to invest in a variety of minor initiatives. The issue is that the pace of technological advancement is outpacing that of Bundestag debates. Furthermore, we don't see government leaders making this a top priority. At least Mitterrand and Kohl were intrigued by technology. They simply made the incorrect wager. Politics have remained the same. The CDU in Germany favors deregulation, while the Greens, who control the economics ministry, want to give data protection a priority. We are where we are because of this.

EU vs US Explained

Microsoft will spend more than three times as much as Germany as a whole. Include Amazon, Google, and the US defense sector. The EU enjoys defending already-established companies. For many years, Germany cheated to preserve older diesel engines. France defends the small farm when it comes to practical issues like agriculture. The European Union is currently suing Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. Because the EU would dissolve any company before it grew large enough to take the lead on anything, the US dominates. The same is true in artificial intelligence, where Greens are adamant about investing instead of protecting. And heaven forbid any European company grow to be successful. All of them would be taken down by the EU in the name of competition.

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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