Why it's a good idea for collectors to purchase art online?
January 10, 2023 By Monica Green
(Image Credit Google)
Nobody should be surprised to learn that the internet art market is expanding. After all, the internet has taken over as the primary global shopping venue. So why wouldn't people also purchase artwork online?
Collectors still believe it, which is why they frequently utilise that method today when searching for their next oil painting, sculpture, or other type of work of art. Here are some further justifications for this adjustment.
A survey revealed that access to more artists was the key driver behind collectors starting to buy online or doing so frequently. In fact, they agreed with that statement that searching online was simpler (around 42%) right before mentioning that reason (near to 45%).
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Image credit- Artwork Archive[/caption]
Undoubtedly, it is true. Since there is no size constraint in an online art gallery, as opposed to a physical one where you can only hang so many pieces on walls, you may now choose from a much wider selection of artists than you could previously.
As a result, someone looking to purchase an oil painting online today will be able to choose among works by artists who have never had the opportunity to exhibit their work or who they have never had the chance to see in person, at a gallery nearby.
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Collectors are drawn to this bigger selection, especially since the majority of them don't mind taking the necessary time to consider a variety of works of art before making their decision.
We found that the speed of online purchasing is what appeals to collectors the most, just after the simplicity of online searches. Less than 25% of the consumers polled cited it as one of their motivations for buying art online.
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Image credit- Agora Gallery - Advice Blog[/caption]
Some of them explained that when you visit a physical gallery, the seller will show you various works that they think you'll find interesting. However, they are frequently not. As a result, you spend a lot of time inside the shop perusing unnecessary paintings and sculptures.
When you visit an online gallery like SINGULART, you can peruse the artwork by selecting the categories that are most important to you. After that, you can go through each of them one at a time at your preferred pace and pause when a particular item speaks to you.
In the end, you will look at the artworks you kept one last time to make your final decision before beginning the straightforward purchasing process, which is no more complicated than buying apparel. For art collectors, transitioning to online shopping was just a reasonable next step. Trying it out for yourself is the simplest way to learn why.