You can power your house through wind, but is it suitable for you?
December 02, 2022 By Monica Green
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Solar energy is the most obvious option for your home, in part because there are several government programs that offer tax incentives and an increasing number of businesses who offer installation. However, not all roofs are suitable for solar power, and not everyone enjoys the thought of having massive panels nailed to their roof, increasing the likelihood of leaks and complicating repairs.
You've probably seen pictures of vast fields of wind turbines silently spinning and producing electricity in the middle of nowhere. You could possibly build a wind power system at your home if you're not a big fan of solar power or if you want a backup plan for cloudy days when the sun doesn't shine. Maybe. Here is a list of things to think about.
Should you install home wind turbine
Power Needs
The investment for the wind power plant depends on the needs of your plae you want it installed. American households typically utilize 886 kilowatthours (kWh), or 886,000 watts, of power every month. Given that many smaller house wind turbines are only rated at 3,000 watts or less, it's a lot of watts, so you might need to install several turbines to make a difference in your power requirements.
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Any neighboring structures (including your home) or geographical features within 300 feet of your wind turbine's site must be at least 30 feet higher than the wind turbine itself because they will obstruct the wind. You must survey your property to see if there is a suitable location for one, keeping in mind that smaller turbines can also be mounted on your roof. You must also select a location that is conducive to wind.
Yes, a number of birds per year are killed by wind turbines. If you have a lot of avian life in your region, painting the blades black can assist, but you should be ready to spend some time picking up dead birds. You should also think about whether you want to be accountable for the slaughter.