Home » News » YouTube Enhanced Shorts Quality On TVs, Player Designed Dedicated to Shorts

YouTube Enhanced Shorts Quality On TVs, Player Designed Dedicated to Shorts

(Image Credit Google)
YouTube Shorts, which feature brief films in (mainly) vertical format, was Google's response to TikTok's rising popularity. Because of the inverted aspect ratio, they are challenging to view on TVs, but YouTube is working to change that. Prior to now, YouTube TV's standard video player would not play Shorts or other vertical videos, leaving the sides entirely blank and the bottom of the screen with all the pertinent information. With a lighter background, a white border surrounding movies, and controls on the right side, the business is now releasing an interface designed particularly for Shorts. The new update follows YouTube's recent redesign of its desktop and mobile applications. [caption id="attachment_60147" align="aligncenter" width="1245"]Quality Of Youtube Shorts On TV Is Enhanced Image: Google[/caption] In a blog post, YouTube stated, "We simplified the right side rail's design, but we'll be trying to bring in additional functionality in future updates. We think that this experience strikes a natural balance between TV's natural silliness and the fun, quirky nature of Shorts.” Vertical video will never look well on a widescreen TV, unless you have one of the rare TVs that can rotate from horizontal to vertical. Although a phone or tablet will probably still provide a superior user experience, YouTube is working to improve the TV viewing experience so that you can enjoy watching adorable dog videos with friends or family. Starting today, the new look will be available on the YouTube TV app (which should not be confused with YouTube TV.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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