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YouTube Music Experimenting With Dynamic Queue

(Image Credit Google)
YouTube recently rolled out support for the redesigned media controls in Android 13. And now, YouTube started testing “Dynamic queue” on YouTube Music, its music streaming service, this week.  YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, launched YouTube Music in November 2015. It is a music streaming service that enables users to browse through numerous songs and music videos on YouTube depending on the genres, recommendations, and playlists. YouTube Music is available on Android, iOS, and desktop.  And now, the company is testing a Dynamic queue feature on the platform. Additionally, the feature will appear in settings and offer users a “queue and radio updates based on their listening behavior.”  YouTube Music Furthermore, reliable sources claim that YouTube Music will change the playback queue if users jump to a new track while listening to a song. On the other hand, it is unclear if the service will enable the Dynamic queue feature by default.  Moreover, it seems like YouTube is bringing this update as an alternative to users becoming unhappy with their current radio. Therefore, choosing a completely different track to create another queue.  However, users are pretty skeptical about using the Dynamic queue. But since YouTube Music claims to select users’ previously liked/played songs for the new queue, they might even like the feature. Besides, Google is also testing filters in the “Up next” queue for more manual refinements.  Lastly, the Dynamic queue feature is currently available only on iOS devices, under Playback & restrictions. And it is also enabled in the YouTube Music web client. However, the company hasn’t yet released the feature widely. So, it is not currently available on several Android devices. 

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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