What are the things I should do before launching my project?

Running a project on GadgetAny is a lot of fun, but it’s important to remember that a lot of coordination is also required for a project to be successful. So, before launching, make sure that you and your project is 100% ready. To ensure that you’re prepared to launch we’ve compiled 10 tips & resources below.

  • Make a detailed budget of your costs (prototyping, production, shipping, etc) and use this to set your funding goal.
  • Remember to build in some wiggle room too, though!
  • Establish your reward tiers. What are some rewards that might appeal to your community?
  • Think about your project page; is it launch-ready?
  • Make sure that your project page is honest and clearly presented.
  • Share your project draft with your friends and family for some pre-launch feedback using our project preview tool.
  • Make a list! Who from your community will you share your project with? And have a plan for spreading the word.

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