terraplanter- The journey from seed to plant

Future Gadgets

Introducing an all-new terraplanter, its the journey from seed to plant. Just fill with water and the plant will take only what it needs to visibly grow & flourish on the exterior surface of the plant

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$59 USD + Shipping
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Introducing an all-new terraplanter, its the journey from seed to plant. Just fill with water and the plant will take only what it needs to visibly grow & flourish on the exterior surface of the planter.  Basically, The structure of the material is solid, yet porous. Water is slowly diffused through it and is held by the cells giving the plant time to drink and allowing you to water less often.  However, The core idea was to create a new home for plants. It needed to be simple, clean, low-maintenance, and hydroponic without the use of any soil or dirt. Additionally, Combining the idea of hydroponics and the concept of porous material was the key. The proprietary ceramic material that has just the right amount of porosity and hygroscopic tendencies to allow water to diffuse through the material and allow the plant to grow on the surface of the material. Moreover, Terraplanter is a vessel that acts as a water bank. The water is held in the vessel and is slowly diffused through the material to the cells on the surface for the plant to drink. Features:
  • Reusable
  • Only water, no soil o dirt
  • Constant access to water and Air
Recently, this campaign is launch on Indiegogo. A good amount of funds raised to the website. The company is offering a huge discount on its products.  To know more please click here. 
$59 USD + Shipping
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By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.

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