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Amazon's Gaming Division Hit by Layoffs, Uncertainty Surrounds Its Future Plans

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source: Current Affairs Amazon has announced that it has laid off approximately 100 employees from its gaming division. The layoffs are part of the company's ongoing restructuring efforts to streamline its operations and cut costs. The affected employees were reportedly informed of the layoffs on April 2nd.

Restructuring Efforts in the Gaming Division

The layoffs at Amazon's gaming division come as the company is reportedly shifting its focus to its cloud gaming platform, Luna. This move is part of the company's broader strategy to become a major player in the gaming industry. According to sources, the company is also planning to merge its gaming and entertainment divisions to streamline operations and eliminate redundancies. The move is expected to result in more layoffs in the coming weeks.

The Future of Amazon's Gaming Division

Amazon's gaming division has had a rocky history since its inception. The company has struggled to release successful games, and its most high-profile game release, Crucible, was a failure. The game was released in May 2020 and was pulled back into closed beta just a month later. Despite the challenges, Amazon has continued to invest in the gaming industry. The company acquired game streaming service Twitch in 2014 for $970 million and launched its own cloud gaming platform, Luna, in 2020. [caption id="attachment_139819" align="aligncenter" width="1068"] source: Transcontinental Times[/caption] With the recent layoffs and restructuring efforts, it is unclear what Amazon's future plans for its gaming division are. However, the company has stated that it remains committed to the gaming industry and will continue to invest in it.

Impact of the Layoffs

The layoffs at Amazon's gaming division will have a significant impact on the affected employees. According to sources, the layoffs were primarily focused on employees in Amazon's game development and publishing teams. Many of the affected employees have taken to social media to express their frustration and disappointment at the company's decision. Some have also expressed concerns about finding new jobs in the competitive gaming industry. Also read: VinFast, a Vietnamese EV manufacturer, cuts jobs in the US and Canada Amazon's gaming division layoffs are part of the company's broader efforts to streamline its operations and focus on its core businesses. While it remains committed to the gaming industry, the company's restructuring efforts and recent failures in game development raise questions about its future in the industry.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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