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Inside the Vegas Sphere: Dawn of a New Media Format

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The Atrium: A Gateway to the Future

Visitors with tickets to the Sphere Experience start their visit in the Atrium, an area filled with art displays and tech demos. Guests can explore this space while waiting for their show to start. Also Read: Apple Cash: New iOS beta makes it easier Volumetric scanners allowed visitors to get a 3D scan of themselves, while AI-themed artwork captivated the CES crowd. The Sphere's audio technology showcased its ability to deliver different languages or different parts of a song to different areas, enhancing the immersive experience. However, the highlight of the Atrium exhibit was undoubtedly the Aura robots. These humanoid 'bots, an updated version of Ameca, interacted with the crowd, answering questions and introducing demos, showcasing their conversational abilities.

The Theater: Where Cinematic Magic Happens

After exploring the Atrium, guests can enter the theatre where "Postcard From Earth" will be playing. Unlike the bustling Atrium, the theatre space felt like a vacuum as the acoustic changes in the air, devoid of any background noise. The theatre boasted a wraparound 16K screen spanning 160,000 square feet, equivalent to more than two and a half football fields. It has a massive screen, combined with the Sphere's unique design, which can transport the audience into a different world. The immersive experience is enhanced by wind cannons, vibrations, and other sensory manipulations that complement the visuals on screen. "Postcard From Earth" exemplified the Sphere's cinematic capabilities, showcasing the beauty of our planet in all its fullness. It is a testament to the Sphere's ability to capture and present such experiences in a truly groundbreaking format.

The Revolutionary Camera: Big Sky

To achieve this unprecedented cinematic experience, the Sphere required a camera system like no other. Enter Big Sky, an 18K-resolution behemoth designed specifically for spherical cinema. Unlike traditional 360-degree video captured with an array of cameras, the Sphere's team realized they had to create their camera to meet their vision. Filmmakers using Big Sky preview their shots using a VR headset, which allows them to see the composition and perspective that the audience would experience inside the Sphere. This innovative approach to capturing and presenting content opens up new possibilities, including the potential for home releases in virtual reality. The Sphere is like a new type of movie theatre, and the VR headset becomes the equivalent of a Blu-ray player. While spatial videos can already be enjoyed through headsets like the Apple Vision Pro and the Meta Quest, the true magic of witnessing a full audience's collective experience can only be felt within the Sphere.

Embracing a New Era of Media

Enter the Vegas Sphere to begin a trip that will take you to new places of visual beauty and storytelling. The place symbolises a change in the entertainment industry's paradigm. It creates an entirely new format that goes beyond traditional cinema by fusing state-of-the-art technology, creative design, and ground-breaking audiovisual experiences. The Sphere pushes the limits of what is conceivable in terms of media, from the immersive Atrium to the mind-bending stage experience. The Atrium will change as new shows come and go, providing guests with new and thematically appropriate exhibits. Furthermore, the Sphere opens the door for a time when virtual reality and immersive experiences will be a staple of our entertainment environment as it captivates spectators with its cinematic delights. Get ready to be amazed by the dawn of a new media format that promises to redefine how we experience the magic of cinema.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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