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Nokia Plans to Launch 4G on the Moon in Late 2023 via SpaceX Rocket

(Image Credit Google)
source: Los Angeles Times Nokia has announced its plans to launch a 4G network on the moon in late 2023, in partnership with NASA and SpaceX. The project aims to provide communication services to astronauts, rovers, and other equipment on the lunar surface. Here's what you need to know about Nokia's ambitious plans.

The Plan

Nokia will partner with NASA and SpaceX to launch an unmanned spacecraft to the moon in late 2023. The spacecraft will carry a 4G network, along with other equipment and experiments. The 4G network will provide high-speed data communication services to support lunar exploration, including video streaming, remote control of rovers, and scientific data transmission. The network will also serve as a backup communication system for astronauts in case of emergency. The technology used in the 4G network will be based on Nokia's terrestrial wireless network technology, which has been modified to work in the harsh environment of the moon. The network will be designed to withstand extreme temperatures, radiation, and vacuum conditions.


The launch of a 4G network on the moon will bring several benefits to lunar exploration. The network will enable faster and more reliable communication between astronauts, rovers, and equipment, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. The network will also enable real-time video streaming from the moon, allowing people on Earth to witness lunar exploration as it happens. This could inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers and increase public interest in space exploration. [caption id="attachment_131844" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] source: Electrical Engineering BYU[/caption]


Launching a 4G network on the moon is not without its challenges. The harsh environment of the moon poses several technical and logistical challenges, including the need to design equipment that can withstand extreme temperatures, radiation, and vacuum conditions. Another challenge is the limited range of the network. While the 4G network will provide reliable communication services within a limited range, it may not be feasible to provide coverage across the entire lunar surface. Nokia's plans to launch a 4G network on the moon in late 2023 represent a significant milestone in the history of lunar exploration. The network will provide crucial communication services to support lunar exploration and enable real-time video streaming from the moon. While the project faces several challenges, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we explore and communicate in space.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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