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PIGINet: MIT's Household AI Robot's Problem Solving Skill May Enhance By Up To 80%

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Image credit : ASME Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a new AI system called PIGINet, designed to enhance the capabilities of household robots. This innovative technology promises to provide a substantial boost, increasing robot performance by 50 to 80 percent. Traditional robots are typically limited to following predetermined programs and codes, which may not be suitable for rapidly changing and evolving environments. To address this issue, MIT's researchers developed PIGINet, an AI system that incorporates machine learning into robots. [caption id="attachment_187501" align="aligncenter" width="1280"]household robot Image credit : Inventions World Via YouTube[/caption] According to MIT News, household robots often struggle to adapt to specific homes and determine appropriate actions for various tasks. PIGINet, which stands for "Plans, Images, Goals, and Initial Facts," employs a neural network to analyze data and improve a robot's ability to understand and execute user commands accurately. The Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT spearheaded the development of PIGINet, focusing on enhancing the process of planning, problem-solving, and overall performance in robots. The team conducted tests in a kitchen environment, comparing the robot's performance with and without PIGINet. The results showed significant improvements in performance when PIGINet was implemented. [caption id="attachment_187503" align="aligncenter" width="750"]Home robot Image credit : Mandatory[/caption] The emergence of PIGINet represents a significant milestone in the advancement of household robotics. By leveraging AI, modern robots can adapt and respond effectively to specific commands, streamlining complex tasks and optimizing day-to-day processes. In addition to household robots, the field of robotics is also witnessing advancements in other areas. For example, Arizona State University (ASU) has developed a test manikin robot named ANDI, which mimics human walking, breathing, and sweating. These specialized robots serve as invaluable tools for researchers to study various conditions and gain a deeper understanding of the human body. Also read : AI-enabled robot “companions” could combat loneliness of older people, study finds As robots and AI continue to evolve, they offer significant potential to enhance human lives in numerous ways. The introduction of PIGINet brings promising prospects for future household robots, enabling them to excel in problem-solving and process optimization, ultimately assisting users with chores and other tasks.

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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