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Tips to spot Outlook security flaws from Microsoft

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source: Email on Acid Microsoft has published a blog post aimed at educating its users about how to spot potential security flaws in Outlook. The post offers tips and advice on what to look out for, such as unexpected messages, suspicious-looking attachments or links, and changes to your account settings or mailbox. Microsoft also provides a checklist of things to do to stay safe, such as enabling two-factor authentication and keeping your software up to date.

Spotting phishing emails

One of the main threats to Outlook users is phishing emails. These can be very convincing and look like legitimate emails from companies or people that you trust. However, they are designed to trick you into revealing sensitive information, such as your login credentials, credit card details or personal information. Microsoft advises users to be wary of emails that ask for personal information, especially if they are urgent or contain a sense of urgency. You should also check the email address and the URL of any links before clicking on them, as these can be spoofed to look like legitimate sources. Another key tip is to check the grammar and spelling of the email. Many phishing emails are written in poor English or have spelling mistakes, which can be a giveaway that the email is not genuine.

Protecting your account

Microsoft also offers advice on how to protect your Outlook account from potential security threats. This includes setting up two-factor authentication, which requires a second method of verification before you can access your account. This can be in the form of a text message, phone call, or code from an authentication app. Users are also encouraged to keep their software up to date, as this can help to protect against known vulnerabilities and exploits. This includes keeping your operating system, web browser, and email client up to date with the latest security patches and updates. In conclusion, Microsoft's blog post offers some great tips and advice for Outlook users who want to stay safe and secure online. By being vigilant and following the advice provided, you can help to protect yourself from potential security threats and keep your personal information safe.  

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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