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Amazon Halts Development of Halo Fitness Tracking's Sleep Tracking Feature

(Image Credit Google)
source: Bloomberg Amazon has halted the development of the sleep tracking feature for its Halo fitness tracking device and has laid off dozens of employees from the Halo team. The decision was made due to the lack of accuracy of the sleep tracking feature, which has received criticism from users.

Halo Fitness Tracking Device

The Halo fitness tracking device is a wristband that tracks a user's fitness and health data, including heart rate, steps, calories burned, and sleep. It also includes a mobile app that analyzes the data and provides users with personalized recommendations for improving their health.

Layoffs and Sleep Tracking Feature

According to sources, Amazon has laid off dozens of employees from the Halo team, including those responsible for developing the sleep tracking feature. The decision to halt the development of the sleep tracking feature was made due to the lack of accuracy of the feature. Users have criticized the Halo's sleep tracking feature for its inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Some users have reported that the device does not accurately track their sleep patterns, while others have reported that it records their sleep even when they are not asleep. [caption id="attachment_166069" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] source: The Panther Tech[/caption]

Amazon's Response

In response to the criticism, Amazon has stated that it is committed to providing its customers with accurate and reliable health and fitness tracking data. The company has also stated that it will continue to develop new features and improvements for the Halo device. The company has not provided any details regarding the number of employees who were laid off or the future plans for the Halo team. Also read: Xbox Game Studios is selling three top-tier action games on Steam for more than 60% off Amazon's decision to halt the development of the sleep tracking feature for the Halo fitness tracking device and lay off dozens of employees is a setback for the company. The company's commitment to providing accurate and reliable health and fitness tracking data is commendable, but it remains to be seen how the company will address the criticisms of its sleep tracking feature and the future of the Halo team.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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