Home » News » New kid-friendly features include music, games, stories, and question-asking in the latest update of Samsung's Bixby voice assistant

New kid-friendly features include music, games, stories, and question-asking in the latest update of Samsung's Bixby voice assistant

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Samsung recently unveiled a version of Bixby that is especially suited for kids. Bixby is a conversational AI assistant. Children in the US and South Korea can use this latest version. Age-Appropriate Answers for Children Under 13 in the Bixby Kids Edition The business claims that access to the Bixby Kids Edition will soon be available in more nations, according to the report. The information in this edition is age-appropriate for children, including answers to questions. After creating a family group and a child account with a Samsung account, the feature can be activated through an update to Bixby. The firm states that it is aimed toward children under 13, yet local laws may differ. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]Samsung's Bixby voice assistant for kids new update released Image credit- Gizchina.com[/caption] According to the reports, this new version of Bixby is made for kids in a secure setting. Now, parents don't have to worry about their kids accessing inappropriate content when using the AI helper. Another excellent way to introduce kids to conversational AI and artificial intelligence, in general, is through Bixby Kids. With this new iteration of its AI assistant, Samsung demonstrates its commitment to innovation and customer demands by giving all of its consumers the greatest experience possible when using their devices. Samsung's new Bixby Kids Edition is poised to revolutionize children's entertainment. Now, parents don't have to worry about the possibility of their children being exposed to improper information when they give their children tablets for both learning and play. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="2048"]Bixby Kids Can Tell Stories, Play Music, and Many More Image credit- Gizchina.com[/caption] There are many more safety features in the Bixby Kids Edition, such as ad-free mobile games, no surveillance of children's activity, and the sale of dangerous games are blocked. Using elements like music, storytelling, and kid-friendly activities will undoubtedly keep youngsters interested and give them a fun and safe method to learn. To provide users with a better experience, Samsung is already introducing even more advanced conversational AI models and tools like ChatGPT. Working with companies who have experience in AI research and development would undoubtedly broaden their skill set and provide limitless potential. This is a dream come true for parents. Also read: Kid’s Dictionary, Parental Controls and other features included in Google Assistant   They can now make sure their kids are safe and give them a fun and instructive learning experience. Samsung's efforts to improve user experience are just getting started; new technologies are continually being developed by the tech behemoth.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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