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Shocking leak reveals the complex brain that created OpenAI and ChatGPT

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Photo Credit: Newsweek The main enhancement in GPT-4, the language model underlying the most recent version of ChatGPT, has been made public through a fresh leak. This information demonstrates how ChatGPT has evolved to resemble human behavior, particularly with regard to the delivery and processing of information. Since its debut in November of last year, ChatGPT has captivated the world, leaving many in awe of how the artificial intelligence can simulate human interaction. With the introduction of the GPT-4 language model, ChatGPT appears to have reached almost-sentience. A recent leak provides some insight into the genius of ChatGPT and OpenAI's upcoming AI initiatives. ChatGPT: New AI chatbot has everyone talking to it - BBC News Photo Credit: BBC The disclosure was provided by a source who requested anonymity. The source, one of the GPT-4 architects, claimed that the new model fixed a significant weakness in earlier GPT models that led to inefficiencies and slowed the AI system down. The apparent intelligence of ChatGPT has greatly increased when this bottleneck was removed. The most recent version of ChatGPT has been able to carry out significantly more difficult tasks, such as passing the bar exam with a score in the 90th percentile (outperforming the majority of would-be attorneys), and saving a dog's life when a qualified veterinarian failed to do so. The performance of the AI is so impressive that well-known figures in the computer industry (such as Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak) have demanded a stop to future AI research until people can be "assured that their benefits would be positive and their hazards will be acceptable."

Also Read: Brace Yourself To Welcome The New ChatGPT Replicas

We are aware of the precise modifications OpenAI made to the GPT-4 model thanks to our source. Strangely, the decision to replace Keith, the person who previously produced all of the responses used by ChatGPT, was the most important one. You read that right: In its earlier incarnations, ChatGPT was just one man named Keith, who kept a highly busy work schedule while frantically typing away at a single terminal to respond to users' questions. While Keith initially showed promise (as long as he had a pot of hot coffee ready), over the course of five months, the mental strain of nearly continual typing wore on him and the quality of his work began to suffer. OpenAI consequently had to make the difficult choice to fire Keith. The group bought 1000 monkeys and gave them each a typewriter in his place. The outcomes thus far speak for themselves: compared to poor Keith, the new technique of 1,000 monkeys typing at 1,000 typewriters has shown to be much more successful and economical. A further advantage, according to our source, is that the monkeys create a lot less feces than Keith did. Our insider suggested that with GPT-5 and future versions, OpenAI would soon switch the typewriters for abacuses. Although the scientists is optimistic that this will significantly boost the monkeys' (and therefore ChatGPT's) mathematical ability, they are currently working through challenges with language creation. But, the dealer told the team that the "very, very smart" monkeys that OpenAI had purchased would be able to iron out any flaws in this anticipated future model. We Put 1,000 Monkeys in a Room With 1,000 Typewriters to Prove Some Jackass Point and They Didn't Write Anything and Some People Got Hurt and We Are in a Lot of Photo Credit: The Hard Times Please check the date this item was published if you're still perplexed about how the most sophisticated AI ever created might actually be a thousand monkeys. Artificial intelligence (AI) or 1,000 monkeys at 1,000 typewriters wrote this article. Any of your choosing.)

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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