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The food-mood connection can surprise you!

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Our daily food intake has a significant impact on the nature of our thoughts, feelings, and emotional experiences. Neurotransmitters play a unique role in our bodies by acting as chemical messengers between our neurons and facilitating nerve-to-nerve communication. It's crucial to have the proper variety and quantity of these neurotransmitters. Because of them, we experience various emotions, including happiness, sadness, intimacy, love, motivation, excitement, and fear. Many of us may be coping with imbalances that modify our behavior patterns and cause mood swings, strange responses to everyday occurrences, cravings, and other issues. Every food we consume is a component of neurotransmitters. Cleaner food increases the quality of our body's building blocks, which is another reason why fad and crash diets don't work (they eventually strip meals of the very essential nutrients that are required to manufacture these neurotransmitters).Food-mood Take this as a case study. A neurotransmitter called serotonin is in charge of sensations of happiness and well-being. Without any justification, its absence can make us depressed. Loneliness, despair, and even the unhealthily compulsive need for attention are all possibilities. Since the gut produces about 95% of serotonin, having a bad gut could make you feel depressed. Therefore, many people with gastrointestinal disorders are likely to experience emotional abnormalities due to this lack. Our physical and mental selves are entangled; they are not two distinct beings. What is bad for our body will also be bad for our intellect, and the reverse is equally true. There are trillions of cells in our body, and each food molecule that enters them has an impact. But healthy eating is not about following extremes. More than depriving yourself of certain foods, it’s the psychological deprivation that causes more harm. This is why fad diets do not work. Their strict and restrictive approach makes them unsustainable to follow. Healthy eating is about how you can maintain health and fitness while also enjoying that cake if you’d like to. It’s not that cake, cookie, or sugar in tea once in a while that causes lifestyle diseases. It’s the consumption of a cup of tea after a cup of tea with sugar, consistent sleep deprivation, endless desserts, under or over-exercising, or staying stuck in negative emotions that can cause sickness in the body.

By Awanish Kumar

I keep abreast of the latest technological developments to bring you unfiltered information about gadgets.


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