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Tree Rings Predict the Worst Solar Storm to Hit Earth, Scientists Say

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The Carrington Event, the most intense geomagnetic storm ever recorded, was observed in September 1859 by astronomers Richard C. Carrington and Richard Hodgson.  Our power networks and technologies will sustain significant harm if a storm strikes our planet once more. However, the Carrington Event pales in comparison to another solar events.  Many astronomers have long believed that solar storms that are nearly 12 times more potent, destructive, and intense than the Carrington Event occur in the cosmos about every thousand years. More intriguingly, according to Interesting Engineering, a team of researchers from the University of Queensland asserted that information from tree rings may be able to assist us to predict when the next Miyake Event will probably occur. Tree Rings "The most popular hypothesis is that they are massive solar flares. If one of these occurred now, it would destroy equipment like transformers, internet connections, long-distance power lines, and satellites, thus we need to learn more.  Unimaginable damage to the world's infrastructure would result "Astrophysicist Dr. Benjamin Pope from UQ stated in a press release. For instance, a team of researchers from the University of Arizona found in 2014 that a range of elements pertaining to the Earth's carbon cycles may be understood via tree ring analysis. Tree Rings According to Interesting Engineering, another investigation last year used tree rings from Finland, California, and Switzerland to shed light on a past solar radiation outburst for the journal Geophysical Research Letter. Also, Read- China Announces the Launch of Its Own Solar Observatory

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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