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Elon Musk To Change Twitter Logo From Blue Bird To X

(Image Credit Google)
image credit - 1news.co.nz Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, announced via a tweet this morning that X.com would soon redirect to Twitter.com and that an "interim X logo" would replace the Twitter bird logo. Musk tweeted constantly about this transition. He began tweeting at around 12 AM ET yesterday night about the Twitter redesign to X, the one-letter word he has used repeatedly in company and product names for as long as anyone can remember. First, there was a tweet that read, "Soon we shall bid adieu to the Twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds," followed by another tweet that read, "If a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we'll make go live worldwide tomorrow." Musk then hinted at the change over the next few hours by posting things like "Deus X" or responding to other users who were talking about it. At one point, he joined a Twitter Spaces chat called "No one talks until we summon Elon Musk." He sat silently for almost an hour before unmuting and saying, "We're cutting the Twitter logo off the building with blowtorches." According to a post on Threads by Platformer managing editor Zoe Schiffer, Musk also sent an email to Twitter workers last night telling them that the company would be renamed X and that it was the last time he would send an email from a Twitter address. She also said that she thinks he was talking about the logo since Twitter's business was already called X Corp. Musk didn't say much about what the new logo will look like, but he did pin a gif that Twitter user Sawyer Merritt had shared. Merritt said the gif was the logo for his now-discontinued podcast. Also read - Twitter Introduces Job Posting For Verified Organizations

Twitter Is Changing Its Logo To X

Musk has put an "X" on almost everything he has touched in the last 25 years. X.com was the original name for Paypal. It's in the name of his company SpaceX, it's in the name of his SUV Tesla, and he has said he wants to turn Twitter into "X, the everything app." He bought X.com back from Paypal in 2017 and hasn't done anything with it until now. Renaming the site will be the strongest sign yet that this social network is not the same as it was before Musk bought it last year. But that's not the only thing that's changed on Twitter since Musk took over. Most recently, Twitter said it would limit the number of direct messages (DMs) for non-paying users. Verified Organizations also got a hiring feature similar to LinkedIn, and Musk said that soon, users would be able to post "very long, complex articles" to the site. The article feature seems to be called "Articles," but it may have been called "Notes" at one point. Notes were the name of article site Substack's Twitter clone, which you may remember had a bit of a rough start. The company’s name on PlayStore and AppStore also changed to X Corp. [caption id="attachment_188199" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]x corp image credit - twitter.com[/caption]

By Prelo Con

Following my passion by reviewing latest tech. Just love it.


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