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First Moon Images from NASA's CAPSTONE - Successful Navigation Technology Test!

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(Image credit- Scientific American) A significant step forward in space exploration has been made by NASA's CAPSTONE spacecraft, which successfully snapped its first Moon photos and tested a revolutionary navigation system. The photos, which were shot on May 3 during CAPSTONE's close approach to the Moon, show the lunar surface close to the North Pole.

Moon Captured by CAPSTONE

A CubeSat the size of a microwave oven is called CAPSTONE, or Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment. It follows a special elliptical orbit around the Moon that is similar to that of NASA's Gateway. Both NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and CAPSTONE participated in the most recent test, which advanced the CAPS technology. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="750"]NASA's CAPSTONE Images Moon, Successfully Tests GPS-Like Technology | Science & Tech Image credit- Science & Tech[/caption] In order to assess the distance and relative velocity between the two spacecraft, CAPSTONE started a signal transmission to LRO on May 9. The signal was then returned by LRO to CAPSTONE and transformed into a quantifiable value. The test was successful, demonstrating CAPSTONE's ability to gather data that would be used by CAPS software to precisely determine the positions of both spacecraft. Future lunar expeditions could use this technology to revolutionize autonomous navigation, greatly enhancing the accuracy and operational efficiency of those missions.

Important Mission Goal

Along with the significant CAPS test, CAPSTONE also accomplished a crucial mission goal by successfully sustaining its nearly rectilinear halo orbit for at least six months. This accomplishment marks the end of the spacecraft's primary mission. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="640"]What is NASA's CAPSTONE mission and its importance for moon study Image credit- DNA[/caption] Nevertheless, CAPSTONE will continue to operate from this orbit while carrying out more onboard technology tests throughout the course of an extended mission phase that might last up to a year. The picture taken on May 3 by CAPSTONE shows the mission's tremendous advancement. The image's center, which is located close to the Moon's North Pole, roughly relates to the lunar surface's coordinates of 25° N and 85° E. This breathtaking image provides a look at the detailed topography and landscape aspects of the Moon. Significant advancements for NASA and the future of space travel are made by the success of CAPSTONE's navigation system and the capture of its initial photos of the moon. Also credit- Lunar Space Station Comes Close With NASA’s CAPSTONE CAPSTONE opens the door for more sophisticated and accurate navigation systems that will change lunar missions by pushing the limits of our knowledge and abilities.  

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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