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The Myths Around Microwaves Are Totally Wrong

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Microwaves are very useful and convenient gadgets. However, some of us view them with suspicion because they are so practical. There were complaints when these microwaves were first introduced to the kitchen scene because of the allegedly abnormal manner they heat food. Besides, remember the urban legend about the girl who accidentally boiled her brain while trying to dry her hair because microwaves "cook from the inside out"? Furthermore, over the years, many microwave myths faded away. However, some of them are resurfacing. For instance, a social media influencer recently uploaded a video in which he microwaved some food for his child. And the video drew criticism with people commenting that it "takes all the nutrition out of the food" and other remarks. Microwave Similarly, misinformation about microwaves is widely spread on TikTok, among other places. So, the question is are microwaves really that risky? And do they make food less wholesome than food prepared in other ways? Let's find out!

Does food lose nutrients if we microwave it?

No. Or at least, it doesn't alter the nutrients in a way that other methods of cooking wouldn't. Besides, microwaves don't cook food magically. They heat the water molecules, and the hot or warm water subsequently aids in warming the remaining food. It's similar to defrosting a sauce packet by slipping it into a mug of hot water. So, you can see it as putting food in a water bath. Microwave Moreover, it's true that different cooking methods might affect nutrients differently. For instance, because the water that warms up is a component of the meal itself, boiling food can cause certain nutrients to leak out into the water, but this is not a problem in this case. Additionally, after being exposed to intense heat for a while, some vitamins do begin to break down, but it's difficult to completely destroy them. In fact, because microwave cooking is so rapid, some regard it as one of the finest techniques for keeping food's nutrients intact. Microwave According to Healthline, there is some evidence that microwaves can reduce food's vitamin C content by 20% to 30%, although the same site also mentions that boiling can reduce vitamin C by 50% and stir-frying can "substantially diminish" the vitamin C content of vegetables. Ergo, each one has trade-offs, but microwaving isn't noticeably worse than other cooking techniques. Also, Read- 10 Easy Tips to Care For Your Physical and Behavioral Health

Are Microwaves a Source of Radiation?

Yes, technically, but not in the sense you might expect. Ionizing radiation—the kind that comes from X-rays and nuclear bombs—is what comes to mind when we think about radiation as a potential health risk. In addition, people and things exposed to ionizing radiation can become radioactive (in some situations), which is why it's extremely harmful. Microwave However, microwaves are non-ionizing radiation. Therefore, microwaves do not emit "radiation" in the scary (ionizing) sense and they don't make your food radioactive. So, there are no health risks here.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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