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There is a new location for your Google Assistant and calendar tasks

(Image Credit Google)
If you use reminders in Google Calendar and Google Assistant, Google has been trying to get rid of them and move them to Google Tasks, an app specifically designed for that use. The business is prepared to quickly implement that adjustment for everyone. Google will continue with the migration of current reminders in Google Calendar and Assistant to Google Tasks over the upcoming months, as the firm has previously promised. Users will start to notice pop-ups in the upcoming weeks informing them of the change and providing them with a shortcut to move current reminders into Tasks. Google will, however, start automatically transferring all remaining reminders to Tasks starting in May. If any reminders aren't transferred to Tasks during that time, all reminder data will be erased on June 22. Google's consolidation of Tasks and Reminders begins in March Photo Credit: The Hans India It's not like moving all that info to Tasks will prevent you from performing your current tasks. You can access them from Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and Slides, and they also integrate with Assistant and Calendar. So, this is most likely a shift for the better. In the upcoming months, Google ought to handle everything if you have a personal account. Nevertheless, if you have a business account, things may be a little different. If your organization has disabled Tasks, you risk losing all reminder information if it is not turned on by June 22.

By Prelo Con

Following my passion by reviewing latest tech. Just love it.


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