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Broomba - A Neat DIY Gadget to Clean & Decorate Simultaneously for Halloween

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It's challenging enough to get some motivation to clean in advance of the fall holiday season. In addition, you must find a way to amuse your children while also decorating. Fortunately, an adorable TikTok trick turns your robot vacuum into a "Broomba," achieving all three goals. Additionally, this idea, which is equal parts Halloween arts and crafts, cleaning, and amusing, will make your home appear as though a broom is magically sweeping it on its own, which is both funny and seasonally fitting. Here's how to make a "Broomba." Broom Gadget for Halloween

Create your "broom"

TikTok creator @hauz.and.co demonstrated the process for transforming your robot vacuum into a Broomba, and it all begins with a fake "broom." You'll require the following supplies to put it together -
  • A tiki torch
  • Wood-toned paint
  • Two foam circles about the diameter of your vacuum
  • Glue
  • Raffia
  • Velcro strips
  • String
  • A festive ribbon
  • Scissors
First, chop off the top of your tiki torch, leaving the prongs, and paint the handle with wood-toned paint. Then, after joining your foam circles with glue, add Velcro strips to the bottom. Furthermore, by slipping your tiki torch inside the extra prongs and sticking each prong to the foam, you can attach it to the foam circles. Next, to prevent the small pronged area from splaying open, reinforce it with twine or string and tie some more string around it. Also, Read- Best Halloween Costumes and Where to Get Them Following that, place the raffia strips around the stick, with the long end facing away from the prongs. And after adhering with glue, turn it over to cover the prongs and tie a knot. You'll see it beginning to resemble a worn-out broom with crooked bristles. Finally, to add charm and keep everything together, tie another ribbon towards the top, where the raffia is folded over.

Attach everything to your vacuum

On top of your robot vacuum, place the other side of your Velcro strips and connect them to the equivalent strips on the foam portion of the "broom." Then, trim the raffia so that it won't get tangled in the broom's bristles before arranging it around the machine's borders. Additionally, you can stiffen some of the strands by applying a little adhesive to ensure that the bristles stay in place. Attach everything to your vacuum And voila, your Broomba is ready! Cleaning becomes instantly more festive, and for optimum spooktacular season vibes, you may let the vacuum run throughout your Halloween party or while trick-or-treaters arrive at your door.

By Raulf Hernes

If you ask me raulf means ALL ABOUT TECH!!


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