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How to Deal With Headaches Beside Medicines

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Headaches can range from bothersome to incapacitating. So, when it comes to treating headaches, you'll want to employ all of the resources at your disposal, including both pharmaceutical and non-medication options. And while using an over-the-counter headache drug is a good solution, using it too frequently might have negative effects of its own.

Side Effects of Taking Medicines Frequently

Liver damage is one of the side effects of taking too much over-the-counter headache medication. Additionally, this can occur if you go above the recommended maximum dosage on the bottle (either by taking too much at one time or by taking it frequently over a very extended period of time). taking medicines Furthermore, although uncommon, acetaminophen overdose is the main cause of acute liver failure in the United States and is thought to be the cause of 500 fatalities annually. In addition, once you take more than 4,000 mg of the drug per day, which is equivalent to 8 Tylenol Extra Strength pills, you run the risk of liver damage. According to Mike Sevilla, a family physician and spokesperson for the American Academy of Family Physicians, "A good rule of thumb is to really pay attention to the dosing and frequency guidelines on the over-the-counter [headache medications]. Do not go over these dosing and frequency guidelines. Some medications are recommended twice a day, some frequencies are every six hours as needed. Be aware of these recommendations." Moreover, usage of over-the-counter headache medications for an extended period of time may result in rebound headaches, which kind of negates the purpose of the drug.

Causes of Headaches

Stress, heat, lack of sleep, skipping meals, allergies, and a variety of other triggers, many of which can be unique to an individual, are a few of the causes of headaches. And the best course of action when it comes to these triggers is to work on avoiding them to lessen the likelihood of developing a headache. Headaches According to a family physician and American Academy of Family Physicians spokesperson Jesus Lizarzaburu, hydration is "the cornerstone to preventing headaches." Additionally, to better understand your triggers, it can be helpful to keep a headache journal in which you note when you experience headaches and what you were doing in the days and hours prior to them. Also, Lizarzaburu suggests making regular sleep a top priority. Read more- 10 Easy Tips to Care For Your Physical and Behavioral Health

Alternatives to treat headaches other than drugs

The objective when suffering from a headache is to lessen your discomfort as soon and effectively as possible. Therefore, you might wish to use non-medication measures either alone or in conjunction with medicine. By doing this, you might be able to cut back on or perhaps get rid of the prescription you currently take. treat headaches They are -
  • Resting in a silent, dark room
  • Putting a cold compress on your forehead
  • Hydrating
  • Consuming a caffeinated beverage, such as a cup of coffee
  • Doing light stretching to relieve any tension that might be the source of your headache
Read more- Health Problems May Affect How You Feel at Breakfast

Bottom Line

If your usual treatments cease working or your headaches are becoming more frequent to the point where they are interfering with your life, Sevilla says that it's time to contact a doctor. "If your headaches are occurring with other symptoms like dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling of numbness or tingling, or difficulty with speaking, these could be signs of a stroke," Sevilla said. "Call 911 or go to the hospital right away," should that occur.

By Omal J

I worked for both print and electronic media as a feature journalist. Writing, traveling, and DIY sum up her life.


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