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Leo AI Browser By Brave Open To All Users

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Artificial intelligence (AI) can help us find information on the internet, but it can also raise concerns about our privacy. Brave's Leo Browser is here to make things easier. In August, Brave introduced the Brave Browser with a built-in AI assistant, and now, it's available for everyone. This AI assistant, powered by Meta's Llama 2 model, can do various tasks, like summarizing information, answering questions, and assisting in content creation. What sets Brave Leo apart is that it's integrated into the Brave Browser, known for its strong privacy features. When you chat with Brave Leo, your conversations remain private, anonymous, and secure. This browser doesn't keep records of your chats or use them to train its model. Plus, there's no need to create an account or log in to use the free version of Brave Leo. Also Read- Canva launches AI Classroom Magic

Leo Premium AI Browser: More Power and Features

Brave has also introduced a premium subscription, Leo Premium, priced at $15 per month. Subscribers gain access to Anthropic's Claude Instant, an advanced language model. Claude Instant offers enhanced capabilities, such as generating more structured responses, better compliance with instructions, and improvements in math, coding, multilingual skills, and question-answering.


Brave has plans to include additional language models and expand features in the premium subscription in the future. This AI browser by Brave is available for users with the 1.60 desktop version of the Brave Browser. If you haven't received the update yet, don't worry; Brave will roll it out in phases over the next few days. They also have plans to bring Leo to iOS and Android versions of the browser in the coming months.  

By Raulf Hernes

If you ask me raulf means ALL ABOUT TECH!!


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