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Microsoft Finally Restored the Task Manager to Windows 11 Taskbar

(Image Credit Google)
Microsoft has finally restored the Task Manager to the Windows Taskbar, where it belongs.  After upgrading to Preview Build 25211, users who subscribe to the Dev Channel of Windows Insider updates will notice a new option when they right-click the Taskbar, enabling them to launch the Task Manager instantly.  Although not the only feature in the most recent version, it is unquestionably the most stunning. This build also includes bug fixes.  However, there are also some rougher edges users should be aware of. Only the Dev Channel has received this upgrade; thus, users of the Beta Channel or Windows Release Preview releases shouldn't be impacted. Microsoft taskbar manager Now, the Widgets board's behaviors can be changed. You may now decide whether the Widgets board appears when you hover over it, whether the taskbar shows notification badges for your Widgets, and if the taskbar shows rotating updates. The usual disclaimer, new features, and a few bug patches exist. Win32 programs with dependencies cannot be removed or repaired from computers that have this update installed.  This means you won't be able to uninstall many games that need the Steam client or steam itself. There's no need to freak out, as this bug is relatively prevalent among Windows Insider builds. Microsoft taskbar manager Since the Microsoft Store started to offer native Win32 apps, it has grown in popularity among developers that want more customization and control over their products, not simply game developers. The constraints of this build become annoying as more games and programs become dependent on Win32. Microsoft has long warned that its Dev Channel upgrades are frequently shaky and unstable.  However, accessing the taskbar without having to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete is appealing. We wouldn't suggest installing this update just yet because it can be challenging to roll back Windows Insider upgrades without also impacting crucial apps or documents. Meanwhile, the Windows Insider blog summarizes the features and problem fixes included in Preview Build 25211.

By Omal J

I worked for both print and electronic media as a feature journalist. Writing, traveling, and DIY sum up her life.


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