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Google Assistant Assists You In Making Hotel Reservations

(Image Credit Google)
Google Duplex can book tables at your favorite restaurants on iOS and Android devices and even recommends restaurants that are near you. However, this service is not available in some locations and some businesses have opted not to avail of this service. The voice assistant lets you know if the table booking is unavailable or if the information is unattainable. If Google Duplex is available in your area, Google voice assistant takes care of all your booking needs. Below is the way to set up an easy way for Duplex to make reservations for you. Google Assistant
  • Go to Google Assistant
  • Say “Hey Google” or “Ok Google” or type out
  • Instruct the Voice Assistant to Book a table for you
  • Google asks you the time and count of members if the restaurant accepts bookings
  • Give the Voice Assistant all the required information
  • It asks you if an alternate time is feasible, answers with Yes or No or select a preferred timing
  • Details of the booking will be shared with you, say Ok or tap Confirm and if incorrect, tap or say Cancel
  • If the details are correct, Google Duplex will be deployed all the information to book
  • Duplex will then call the restaurant and inform them to book the table by giving out all the details and if unavailable, Duplex will inform them about the alternative time slot
  • Once the booking is confirmed, Google Voice Assistant will let you know if confirmed and if not, it will provide suggestions
  • Go to the restaurant and give the information and enjoy your food
Google Assistant FYI: If you want more options, ask or type asking for suggestions on nearby restaurants to the Assistant, you can shortlist from the list provided. Google Duplex is an audio dialer that is AI-powered works through Google Assistant and has many uses. But to give a simple-to-understand example, the above restaurant booking is mentioned and it is interesting to understand the way Google Duplex plans. Google Duplex takes information from Google Assistant, using AI and voice imitation, it makes bookings by interacting with the workers. It is designed to sound normal and natural, unlike voice dialing software.

By Monica Green

I am specialised in latest tech and tech discoveries.


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